What we've been up to

Toy Drive
Every year we work with local businesses and individuals to hold a Toy Drive and we give local warriors and their siblings with gifts. The remaining gifts are donated to the oncology unit at our local children's hospital.

Craft Party

We invite our warriors and their families to craft with us. This gave these families the opportunity to meet with other families dealing with similar issues and work on some skills they may miss out on in their every day life due to their illness/disability. We have live music, crafts, Food, prizes, and lots of fun. If you are a local warrior and would like to know when the next Craft Party is, please email request to smile@corascrafts.org

Live Music
We believe that music can help in the healing and recovery process not only for our warriors, but their families too. Thanks to Erik from Oleha Music and Daniel from Acropolis Music Group , we are able to help bring live music into their lives. Erik plays live ukulele at every craft event and even brings ukuleles donated by Kala Brand Music for warriors to play along with him. Taking time to show them how to strum. Daniel has opened the door to his live events at Garden Amp OC for our warriors and their families.

Meet & Greet
Thanks to some very awesome sponsors and The OC Dugout for getting us in the front of the line. We were able to help warriors and their families connect with their favorite athlete.

We teamed with Strait Up Barber and the Brea Lions Club to have one epic car show. With the donations received we sent 11 wagons and 25 Smile Package to Children's Hospital Orange County.
Car Show

APRIL 2021
Respect 90 Volunteer Spotlight
Says Joe Maddon: “The volunteers are the unsung heroes. Without them, none of our efforts occur.”
Cora's Crafts is the recipient of the April 2021 Volunteer Spotlight from the Respect 90 Foundation! The Respect 90 Foundation creates opportunities for children and families to develop championship attitudes through sports, academics and community involvement.
Joe and his wife, Jaye, are bright lights among the darkness and have been shining their light on those that have become invisible to the rest of society. The Maddons have been spreading smiles and kindness in all the places they call home through programs that are enriching the lives of the families in their communities.
Rick Vaughn is the Executive Director at the Respect 90 Foundation. Rick wrote a heartwarming story about Cora and her mission. He has been so kind and such a joy to work with!
Please follow this link to read Rick's story about Cora and donate to the Respect 90 Foundation! https://www.respect90.org/